7420 S. Olympia Ave. Tulsa, OK 74132 |   (918) 500-6169

Community Contribution

Tulsa Hills Wine Cellar and Tulsa Hills Cigar Cellar & Market are committed to supporting nonprofit organizations in our community! Here are a few of the ways we do: 

Discounts for Nonprofit Organizations

Nonprofit organizations with current 501(c)(3) status may purchase products at significantly discounted prices for fundraising events and activities. To plan your purchase, please contact Leigh Matthews, our Events Specialist, at events@tulsahillswinecellar.com or (918) 500-6169.

We will request the following: 

  • Documentation of the organization’s 501(c)(3) status. 

  • Name(s) of buyer(s) authorized to purchase products for the organization.

  • Information about the fundraising event or activity.

Donations for Fundraising Purposes

One way we exemplify commitment to our community is by providing in-kind donations to Tulsa-area nonprofit organizations for fundraising purposes. Please review our Donation Strategy prior to applying. 

To submit an application, complete the Donation Request Application online or contact Leigh Matthews, our Events Specialist, at events@tulsahillswinecellar.com or (918) 500-6169. Applications must be submitted 2 months prior to the event. 

Please note:  We do not donate alcoholic products. Those may be purchased at a significantly discounted price. Organizations wishing to receive a discount should contact Leigh Matthews, our Events Specialist, at (918) 500-6169 or events@tulsahillswinecellar.com.

We help local organizations fundraise and friend-raise by hosting tasting events at our stores. Contact Leigh Matthews, our Events Specialist, at (918) 500-6169 or events@tulsahillswinecellar.com for more information. Events should be planned 2 months ahead of time to ensure proper licensing through the ABLE Commission. 

Thank you for your business!